Corona current: massive corona outbreak after church services

In Villingen-Schwenningen, there was a massive corona outbreak after two church services. Now the Free Church is threatened with a complaint.

The corona virus does not stop at places of worship either. Corona outbreaks have repeatedly been reported in connection with church visits. Now the number of infected people is increasing again in a church – and they are being associated with two church services.

60 corona cases after church services

It's about a free church in Villingen-Schwenningen, a community in Baden-Württemberg. There, increasing numbers of infections were reported in connection with two church services at the end of October. A total of around 60 people are said to have been infected after visiting church, as reported by the "Südkurier", among others.

Now the Corona outbreak could also have legal consequences: The authorities there are supposed to examine a complaint against the Free Church. Because that would make it difficult to trace the contacts. The lists of participants for the services are said to have only been incomplete. However, the church should have made sure that it was correct. Incorrect contact details and telephone numbers are also said to have been given again.

In the meantime, the number of incidents after the services should continue to rise. Containing the chain of infection is difficult due to a lack of information. The problem is not an isolated case: across Germany, hardly any cases should currently be able to be assigned to their original source.

Many infected people do not know where they could have been infected. This in turn makes the quarantine regulation for the environment and the detection of clusters almost impossible. The less comprehensible the chain of infection, the more difficult it can be to break.

Health authorities, hospitals and test laboratories are currently expected to reach their limits. Germany reports new negative records for several weeks in a row, on Friday the Robert Koch Institute recorded a total of more than 21,000 new infections in 24 hours.