Corona current: Police dissolve party of corona deniers

Corona current
Police dissolve illegal wedding celebration

© jg2000 / Shutterstock

In Berlin, the police had to break up an illegal party. Over 30 people happily celebrated a wedding – and denied the corona pandemic.

While the corona pandemic in Germany has meanwhile claimed over 50,000 lives and pushed hospitals to their limits, there still seem to be people who deny the existence of the virus. Although the demonstrations by the corona deniers have become less visible due to the restrictions, some of them are still celebrating small lockdown parties. On Saturday evening, the police in Berlin were forced to break up such an event.

A happy wedding celebration is said to have taken place in Berlin-Spandau at the weekend. 33 guests crowded into a small three-room apartment, as reported by RTL. When the police arrived at the site, the 26-year-old hostess willingly let them into her apartment in an apartment building. She said she was celebrating a wedding. Inside the apartment, however, the officials met resistance: The guests again did not agree to have their personal details recorded.

Police dissolve wedding celebration with corona deniers

While some of the celebrants are said to have hidden, others simply denied the existence of the corona pandemic. But the displeasure was of no use: The police are said to have dissolved the wedding celebration and initiated proceedings against the participants for violating the infection control measures regulation.

The current lockdown measures not only prohibit events like this one, but even small gatherings of people. Currently, in most federal states, only one household and one other individual should meet. These restrictions serve to curb the spread of the corona virus – because the Robert Koch Institute is still reporting several thousand new infections for Germany.