Corona current: Supermarket employees are the target of Corona frustration

Supermarket clerk
"First we were the great heroes, now we are scum"

© Peeradontax / Shutterstock

The corona pandemic is affecting the lives of almost all of us. It is understandable that this also creates frustration. But taking this out on others does not help anyone. The employee of a discounter reports.

Supermarkets and discounters have been open for us since the lockdown began and are doing everything possible to provide us with the best possible care in the fight against Corona. But the mood in the markets has changed over the past few months. Numerous employees are exposed to hostility and frustration from customers. Anger about the mask requirement and other corona measures are left out on them. "We were once the great heroes in the first lockdown, now we are the last scum", the employee of a discount chain told RTL.

The mood in the markets is tense. Every day, there are confrontations and insults when employees * do their duty and point out to customers that they are wearing a mask incorrectly. She no longer likes to go to work, the supermarket employee said in an interview. Police operations, clashes and verbal battles are almost the order of the day. Training courses should now prepare employees for the circumstances and show how best to deal with aggressive customers who refuse to wear the legally required FFP2 or surgical masks. A step-by-step plan should help.

"Most of the time there are escalations"

The majority of customers adhere to the measures and understand that the employees have no influence on the applicable Corona measures. Nevertheless, it has been shown that more and more people are using the heated supermarkets as social meeting places because nothing else is open. Even "boredom shoppers" who visit a supermarket for little things almost every day cause an increasing risk of infection for everyone present. All that remains here is an appeal to the common sense of each individual to adhere to the measures and to reduce visits to the supermarket to a minimum.

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