Researchers have looked at the symptoms of a corona infection. Two common symptoms in particular could help differentiate the virus from other diseases.
Chest pain, cough and fever: It is still difficult, especially for laypeople, to distinguish Covid-19 from a cold or flu. A new study now shows that the majority of corona patients experience two particular symptoms that are rare with the other two diseases: 80.4 percent of all Covid-19 infected suffer from the loss of their sense of smell and taste. The results of the study, which was carried out at University College London, were published in the Journal PLOS Medicine released.
Just a cold or Corona?
In general, the scientists used the study to break down typical symptoms of a corona infection according to their frequency. To do this, they questioned a total of 590 test persons, of whom a total of 567 also received a positive corona test. The following results came out of the survey:
- Chest pain: 87.1 percent
- Difficulty breathing: 85.3 percent
- Headache: 84 percent
- Muscle pain: 83.5 percent
- Loss of smell and taste: 80.4 percent
- Sweats: 76.2 percent
- Abdominal pain: 74.6 percent
- Cough: 72.7 percent
- Fever: 72.4 percent
- Sore throat: 69.6 percent
Loss of smell and taste as an indicator
Aside from the loss of smell and taste, the other symptoms could also indicate a cold or flu. However, the following also applied: The more of all these symptoms, the more likely it was that I was infected with corona. Rachel Batterham, who served as the study director, concludes from the study that "the loss of smell and taste is a very reliable indicator that someone is likely to have Covid-19."
So be it It makes sense to consider these two symptoms as a factor, for example to decide whether a corona test is necessary or the affected person should be in quarantine. That could help contain the pandemic faster.