Corona current: Why do more men get sick than women?

Corona viruses have been around for a long time, but Sars-CoV-2 is new. The corona virus, which has been rampant since the end of 2019, not only presents the world with a challenge, but also with a riddle. Because symptoms, infectiousness and prognoses must first be researched – just like drugs that could help against Covid-19.

Again and again new case numbers are examined, death rates adjusted, risk factors re-evaluated. For a while it was noticed that men seemed to have a much harder time struggling with the corona virus than women. In the media reports, there were frequent reports of male deaths, so that the question came up slowly but surely: is gender a risk factor for developing Covid-19 seriously?

Prof. Löscher from the Professional Association of German Internists (BDI), as an infectious doctor, deals with new cases every day, but also with local patients. In an interview with he explains about gender inequality.

Do men get more severe from the coronavirus?

Prof. Löscher, is it true that the coronavirus is causing more male deaths?

"That's right, the deaths from COVID-19 are predominantly men (in Germany: 65% men, in Italy 70% according to the latest available evaluations), while there is hardly any difference in the overall number of illnesses (52% men after the last numbers in D) So a different infectivity or epidemiological factors (frequency of contact, risk behavior, etc.) cannot be used as an explanation. "

Well, both sexes seem to be getting sick. Then why does Covid-19 take a more severe course in men?

"Possible reasons for the gender difference are the greater frequency in men of certain risk factors or underlying illnesses such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes (esp. The so-called aging diabetes), overweight with less favorable fat distribution (more abdominal and liver fat, in women more thighs) and buttocks fat), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (mostly as a result of smoking) and liver damage as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.

For example, in Italy it is discussed that in the age group mainly affected (50% of deaths aged 80 years and older), it was predominantly men who smoked in the past.

In addition, hormonal factors can also play a role. In women at least up to the menopause they offer some protection against diabetes, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. "

Most recently, the hormone Prof. Altmann also spoke about the hormones in a conversation with "Der Spiegel". According to this, estrogens are supposed to stimulate the immune system – while testosterones suppress it.

Ultimately, it is the immune system that decides how well a patient can cope with the corona virus. So far there is no drug or vaccination to protect us from Covid-19. It is all the more important to build our defenses. Here, a doctor reveals how you can really protect yourself against the corona virus – and four rules that are more effective than vitamin tablets.