Corona currently: 25 infected people in Hanover Psychiatry

Corona current
25 infected people in psychiatry

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A major corona outbreak was reported at the Hannover Medical School (MHH). A total of 25 people are said to have been infected – but the chain of infection is unclear.

Seriously ill Covid patients have been treated at the Hannover Medical School since the beginning of the Corona crisis. Now there has been an internal corona outbreak in the clinic for the first time.

Corona outbreak in Hannover Medical School

As reported by the "NDR", among others, a total of 25 people are said to have been infected with the corona virus. These include 14 patients and 11 employees. The outbreak is said to have been reported to the college's psychiatric ward.

Chain of infection still unclear

So far, none of the infected people should go through such a severe course that they would have to be ventilated. What creates confusion, however, is the chain of infection. So far, according to "NDR", it is still completely unclear how the coronavirus could be carried into the clinic.

Now all employees and patients in the psychiatric ward should also be tested for corona. All contact persons should be currently in quarantine. In addition, the entire psychiatric ward, which is said to have been located in a separate building anyway, is said to have been isolated. An admission freeze has been imposed.

This is to prevent the coronavirus from spreading further in the Hannover Medical School.

It is currently feared that Germany is again at a turning point in the pandemic. The new infections reported by the Robert Koch Institute are no longer falling as much as they were a week ago. According to the RKI, one reason for this could be the spread of the virus mutations. Larger corona outbreaks have been reported more frequently again recently. Since the British variant in Flensburg was already out of control, the city was the first to impose a complete ban on private meetings. How things will continue across Germany remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: The rules for combating the corona pandemic should continue to be taken seriously in order to prevent a third wave.

Sources used: Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, NDR, Ärztezeitung