Corona currently: 3,000 hospital employees in quarantine

Corona current
3,000 hospital employees in quarantine due to virus mutation

© Teilo / Shutterstock

A coronavirus mutation was detected in a hospital in Bayreuth. 3,000 employees are now in quarantine.

The Robert Koch Institute again reported over 13,000 new infections with the corona virus within 24 hours for Germany on Wednesday. The tightened lockdown measures should apply until February 14th. But there are now fears that the restrictions will be delayed much longer: A mutation of the corona virus is now spreading in Germany.

Coronavirus mutation broke out in Bayreuth clinic

The BritishCorona variant "B.1.1.7" was last reported in a Berlin clinic, now it has shut down another hospital in Bayreuth. Only acute emergencies are currently accepted there – because 3,000 hospital employees * have to be sent to quarantine, as reported by RTL, among others.

First, the mutation was found in a person in the clinic who had returned from a trip. There are now 13 more suspected cases among the employees, a total of 30 tests are still pending. As a precaution, thousands of people have to be quarantined. Because the mutation of the coronavirus is considered highly contagious.

The hospital reacts with the utmost caution: Patients are only allowed to leave the clinic after two negative test results. A total of 99 of the 3.3,000 or so employees are currently said to have tested positive for the corona virus. Another 80 Covid cases are being treated as inpatients. Meanwhile, all patients should now be tested, because the corona virus is said to have broken out on several wards.

It now remains to be seen to what extent the mutation has already spread in the clinic. Sequencing the virus takes a little longer, which is why the results are still a long time coming. For the population, the following still applies: reduce contacts and comply with the AHA regulations in order to get the corona crisis under control together.

Source used: RTL, BR24