“Corona deniers have lost all measure and goal”

B.and Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has expressed concern about the radicalization of a minority during the corona pandemic: “A small group is ready to wipe all scientific knowledge off the table and voluntarily enter a bubble of pseudo-truths,” he told Welt am Sunday”. This is a new and frightening development.

“What could be the argument that I try to kill someone just because they publicly suggest that they get vaccinated in their own interest and in the interest of society? The debate between vaccination opponents and corona deniers has lost all measure and aim, “said Lauterbach.

He also announced measures to prepare against new virus mutations: “If we get a variant that is as contagious as Omikron, but significantly more deadly, we should be able to develop and produce a new vaccine in the shortest possible time,” said the SPD politician. The federal government is preparing for it with high pressure. Lauterbach continued: “We are currently in the process of creating a structure for this. We need a permanent infrastructure. “

It would be sensible to design the vaccination infrastructure in such a way that the population can be vaccinated as quickly as possible at any time. “Germany is currently in a vulnerable phase. Another severe outbreak can occur at any time. We must not fall into the naive assumption that it will be over soon. It’s not over.”

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