Corona deniers – “I have a body in my trunk”

He had organized demos against the corona measures, held parties in a garden during the pandemic and was supposed to be on trial for hate speech. But now Florian O.’s life took a dramatic turn – during a police check.

“I know they’re looking for me. I don’t have a driver’s license and I have a corpse in the trunk!” – With this statement, Florian O. (39), who has become known as the leading corona denier and opponent of measures, from Puchenau confronted the police who had stopped him in Ansfelden. In fact: in the trunk of the Mazda 3 was the body of Tanja (38), wrapped in sheets – the three children (two eleven and 15 year old boys, a five year old girl) were also in the car. “No one is prepared for a situation like this,” he emphasized in a press conference. Cancer treatment refused Florian O. had testified on the spot that he had picked up his wife, who was suffering from breast cancer that was voluntarily untreated, on the same day and that she had died around 6 p.m. in a secret place outdoors in the presence of the children. “In my arms,” ​​said the 39-year-old, who was arrested afterwards Neder, spokeswoman for the Linz public prosecutor’s office, who is investigating the disturbance of the peace of the dead. The autopsy is scheduled for today and is intended to show whether the statements can fit, but they would be “coherent”. To be on the safe side, it is also checked whether there is a natural death Macabre events in Ansfelden is the most dramatic chapter about Florian O. Born in Wels and trained as a gardener, he and his family slipped deep into the Schwurbler scene during the Corona period. He is responsible for around 30 protest events, including the famous garden parties during the lockdown in Linz, which he called the psychosocial work of a self-help group. He acted as the “Honorary President of the Linz Garden Association” and is said to have presented investigators with forged certificates for mask exemption. He lost his case against penalties before the administrative court. In addition, he is said to have downplayed the Nazi era in speeches. The state objector rejects authorities. On March 16, 2022, he was sentenced to 12 months in prison, four of them unconditionally, for defamation, false testimony, slander, insult and falsification of evidence. “He was released early after three months,” says Walter Eichinger from the Linz Regional Court, where proceedings under the Prohibition Act against Florian O. are pending because he downplayed crimes of National Socialism – the presumption of innocence applies. He did not come to the hearing on August 31, 2022, and went into hiding – until he got into the traffic control with his wife’s corpse
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