Corona diary of a mother: April 2021

Corona diary of a mother
April 2021 – “Honey, the children are tired of the pandemic, let’s stop!”

© fizkes / Shutterstock

Well, it’s April, and because our author is a well-prepared person, she’s already starting to mentally prepare for the turn of the year. It will soon be ready. And it will be wonderful this 2022.

by Marie Stadler

April is always a time when you can look back before you start the new year with great motivation. Or was that November? You lose all sense of time! Oh, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to finish and move on. But since 2021 is already starting to be so incredibly liquid again, this April is a wonderful time for a mini review and then a loooong step forward, a small, unemotional, fast summer, a measly, festive Christmas tree and finally a big “Krawumm-Hello” to that Year of the very big hope: 2022. The number looks pretty chic … although I thought that in 2020, I’m wrong.

“Honey, the children don’t feel like the pandemic anymore”

Sometimes I imagine myself saying to my husband: “Honey, the children don’t feel like the pandemic anymore, let’s stop!” It’s similar to how you do it as a parent when you don’t feel like going to the zoo anymore and prefer pushes the children forward, who are actually getting a little oily. Then you go home in a good mood and remember your visit to the zoo in wonderfully transfigured memories when you look at the cute photos with the meerkats three months later. In any case, I would really like to stop the pandemic thing now, because the last glimmer of hope that the many mask photos or the 7000 balcony impressions can later be immersed in a golden light with transfiguration is slowly disappearing.

2020 was at least a tiny bit funny

Do you remember the many videos that were sent around in the first lockdown? My three top performers:

  1. The man who spoons chocolate cream in bed while watching a fitness video with a satisfied smile.
  2. The teacher minion who laughs himself to death at the parent minion because the school is closed.
  3. The funny woman who does corona tests with red wine “I think, I don’t have it, I still taste the wine, but let’s try again …”

They were wonderful. And above all, there were hundreds of these “post-corona” videos in which some deranged animals in hordes were doing something crazy. The main thing is to stop in hordes. Hordes, that was this word, which stands for “together, quite wild and completely disordered without a distance of 1.5 meters”. I don’t know whether this is still available in the DUDEN new edition from 2021, it may have lost its relevance … but it doesn’t matter. In any case, these stupid videos, even if they were a bit inappropriate given the precarious situation, still brought a little fun into everyday pandemic life. Above all, there was obviously still the optimism that the whole thing might end up as unexpectedly simply as it came upon us. Zack boom, over.

Good bye, 2021!

However the DUDEN has decided on the subject of the horde (delete it or not yet), for my part I will definitely delete the rest of 2021 as a to-do from my agenda. Since freezing doesn’t work yet, let’s try the ostrich variant. Head in the sand, eyes on Netflix, ice cream three times a day instead of great education and homeschooling on the back burner. Extra tasks for the hard-working? Let’s burn! We are not diligent. We are in 2021. Political outrage? Without us! We don’t get upset, we breathe and go along with everything. Is that unhealthy? No, no, that’s just 2021. And 2021 will pass. Very soon. We’re counting down slowly …

Just before New Years Eve

It is totally sausage that it takes another eight months for the champagne corks to pop, please don’t come to us like that! Mentally we are just before New Year’s Eve, nobody will be able to do anything about it. And whatever extrapolations or black markers say, after the turn of the year we’re out of the crap. That’s just how it is! We’ll be running around in hordes and doing crazy things like the animals from the 2020 videos. The children will ask: “What are hordes?” And we will say: “I’ll show you a penguin video from 2020!”. They will say: “Awesome!”. And we will nod our heads with a smile. In January we will go to South Tyrol, to a wonderful little mountain hotel. At Easter we celebrate with grandma and grandpa. In summer we are planning a big birthday party for everyone with a bouncy castle and buffet – without any disinfectants, maybe even without washing hands, depending on how hard we are. On Halloween we will ring everyone’s doorbells uninhibited and on Christmas we will sit in a packed church and maybe cough a little, just because it will panic no one and that will be so beautiful. In short: wonderful times are ahead of us! And no, it’s not a crime to look forward to 2022 as early as April 2021. It’s a survival strategy! We were already afraid, angry and in a bad mood, but anticipation is definitely better! So let’s … we just can’t think of anything better.

This article originally appeared on