Corona quarantine: How relationships can survive

The exit and contact restrictions associated with the Corona crisis present some relationships with a major challenge. The unusually close proximity can quickly become a burden for couples. "The most important thing now is to give each other as much recognition as possible and to criticize as little as possible, even if it is sometimes difficult," says Susanne Wendel, author of "Men are pigs, women even more so".

In an interview with the news agency spot on news, the sex expert emphasizes that the "we-feeling" must now be strengthened. For this help "physical closeness: cuddling, holding hands, sex". "Rules and agreements about who does what and when are also very helpful, albeit unromantic."

The potential for conflict is higher

For couples who previously only saw each other in everyday life when getting up and having dinner, the time was now particularly difficult because they "could get on their nerves if they suddenly squatted all day". That has a lot of potential for controversy. "In addition, most have great fears and worries," says Wendel.

The expert warns that there are currently many disputes, especially when working different hours and a small apartment. "Both lead to conflicts and above all need understanding and loving communication. We now have a unique opportunity to fundamentally improve our communication with each other because we will not be able to endure otherwise. Specifically, this means: more 'I-messages' instead of' you- Accusations'."

Nevertheless, the Corona crisis in terms of love also has a positive effect: "Now is finally the time for deep discussions and togetherness. This can create a whole new closeness if couples manage to get involved and the worries aside from time to time to push. "

Deal together

Couples should definitely work together at the moment. So it could now make sense to tidy up the basement, make tax returns and clear out kitchen and wardrobes – things that people have wanted to do for a long time. In addition, it is also important to focus on the better half. "Intensifying the closeness to your own partner is important now for several reasons. Since we are currently required to keep as much distance as possible from other people, the closeness to the partner is all the more important. Touching and cuddling our brain pours oxytocin , this hormone calms, relaxes and activates one of our most important resources at the moment: basic trust. "

In addition, it should also be possible to do things for yourself. However, this can be very difficult in small apartments. Wendel recommends: "Make a plan and think carefully: what do we do together, when and how do we separate so that everyone also has their freedom. Here you need consideration, team spirit and clear rules. Of course, this applies particularly to couples with children . "