Corona virus: the right methods for smartphone cleaning

Some people sometimes take their smartphone at hand hundreds, if not thousands, of times a day. It is obvious that there are more and more germs growing on it. Therefore, the devices should be cleaned regularly. But how to proceed?

No sharp cleaning agents

Under no circumstances should sharp cleaning agents be used, as the telecommunications magazine "Connect" warns. These often contain soap or alcohol, which can damage the sensitive screens of many smartphones, as a special fat-repellent layer is destroyed by the use. Some glasses wipes or many glass cleaners are therefore also taboo. Here, users should first check the packaging to see whether smartphone cleaning is permitted.

Instead, users could use, for example, disinfectants without alcohol, which under normal circumstances should be available in most drug stores. With the current Corona situation, however, it is rather questionable that consumers are currently finding what they are looking for.

Dedicated products

In addition to pure water, microfiber towels are particularly suitable for cleaning. Before doing so, you should check whether there are crumbs or the like on the corresponding display so that you do not accidentally scratch the surface. There are also cleaning agents and wipes specially designed for smartphones. "Connect" also recommends switching off the smartphone at best before cleaning, if possible removing the battery and not spraying or pouring liquids directly onto the display to avoid any damage.

The situation is similar when cleaning the different openings – from headphones to USB or Lightning connections. Ideally, you should avoid cleaning them with cotton swabs, toothpicks or the like, as this can also cause damage. Rather recommended are special cleaning compounds or gels, which are often used for PC keyboards today, as well as compressed air sprays. Both are available from specialist retailers, among others.