Coronavirus-Demonstrations in France against the vaccine pass

PARIS, January 8 (Reuters) – Demonstrations against the vaccine pass took place on Saturday in several cities in France during which demonstrators denounced Emmanuel Macron’s remarks on non-vaccines against COVID-19 which sparked many criticisms this week in the political class.

In an interview with readers of Le Parisien made public Tuesday evening, the President of the Republic said he wanted to “continue to piss off to the end” the non-vaccines.

During a joint press conference with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on Friday, the Head of State said on Friday, at a joint press conference with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, fully assume its words.

Across the country, 105,200 people, including 18,000 in Paris, took part in the protests, a spokesperson for the Minister of the Interior told Reuters.

In Paris, the demonstrators responded to him by chanting “We’re going to piss you off” or “Macron, your past, we don’t want it”. In one of the Parisian processions, a man held up a sign in the shape of a middle finger on which one could read “Me too, I shit you Manu”.

Others held up posters that read “No to the vaccine pass0 or” Freedom “.

Demonstrations also took place in Marseille, Nantes and even Le Mans.

According to the Minister of the Interior, the police made 10 arrests in Paris where 3 police officers and gendarmes were injured and 24 arrests in the provinces with 7 injured police officers.

The National Assembly approved early Thursday morning the bill strengthening the tools for managing the coronavirus health crisis, one of the main measures of which is the transformation of the health pass into a “vaccination pass”.

The deputies voted 214 votes to 93 in favor of the text, after three days of tense debates.

It is now up to Snat to vote on the bill. The examination of the text is to begin in session on Tuesday. (Layli Foroudi report, French version Matthieu Protard)

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