Coronavirus in France: the results of this Tuesday, March 22

As France lifts its main restrictions, contamination is on the rise. The daily update on the Covid-19 epidemic in France.


This Tuesday, March 22, contaminations jumped, with 180,777 new cases recorded in 24 hours, against 116,618 seven days earlier, according to Public Health France.


Hospitalizations for Covid remain stable with 20,742 hospitalized patients, compared to 20,919 patients on March 15, thus marking a slowdown in the decline in the number of people hospitalized.

In critical care services, the pressure continues to drop: there were 1,604 patients today, against 1,632 the day before.


146 people have died in hospital from Covid-19 in the past 24 hours, a total of 141,218 deaths since the start of the pandemic


Since the start of the vaccination campaign, 54.24 million people have received at least one injection (i.e. 80.4% of the total population1) and 53.32 million people have had a complete vaccination schedule (i.e. 79.1% of the total population).

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