Coronavirus – Pandemic marathon on the home stretch – News


The pandemic as a marathon – Health Minister Alain Berset has needed this image again and again over the past two years. But even if the last measures are lifted: We’re not there yet, we’re on the home straight.

Primary goal: protection of the health system

The special situation lasted 668 days. Almost two years. During this time, the main responsibility lay with the Federal Council. And throughout this time, the Federal Council has been extraordinarily consistent. Ever since vaccination became available to all, the government’s top priority has been to prevent health care from being overwhelmed. With its pragmatic attitude, the Federal Council was sometimes more, sometimes less successful. He had to take a lot of criticism, but he also received praise.

Now, on the home stretch, the Federal Council can breathe a sigh of relief. After 668 days, he can hand responsibility back to the cantons. It is now up to the cantons to manage the strenuous last few meters. They must not let up, but have to prepare scenarios for the fall. The testing and vaccination capacities must not only be reduced, they should also be able to be increased again.

A transition phase, not the end

In order to ensure that the Confederation and cantons are prepared for various scenarios in autumn, the Federal Council is sending a basic paper for consultation. This should clarify the distribution of tasks between the federal government and the cantons by next spring. The Federal Council speaks of a transition phase. This also shows that the pandemic is not over yet, and the goal of the marathon has not yet been reached.

The Federal Commission for Vaccination Issues will also play a decisive role on the home straight. She must interpret the situation correctly at an early stage and decide whether she recommends the fourth vaccination only for people at risk or for the general population. And the vaccination campaign must be launched in good time and implemented in the cantons. Here, too, the cantons will be required.

Consistent corona policy

The last few meters of the marathon should feel particularly long for people at risk. With masks no longer being compulsory on public transport, for example, it is becoming more difficult for them to protect themselves. Studies show that protection is much better when everyone wears a hygiene mask than when individuals protect themselves with FFP2 masks. That is why various representatives of people at risk have also called for the obligation to wear masks in public transport to be maintained.

The fact that the Federal Council, despite this demand and despite the still high number of cases, declares the pandemic over is the logical continuation of its policy. The primary goal was to prevent the healthcare system from being overburdened, and the Federal Council has achieved this goal. Alain Berset also emphasized this in his routine appearance in front of the media, but also made it clear that the pandemic was not over yet. It is still unclear how long the final sprint on the home stretch will take.

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