Coronavirus: this simple but super efficient little gesture to make if you come back from the supermarket: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Simple, basic. We now know all the basic hygiene rules to apply in an attempt to stem the spread of the coronavirus. Stay home to start. But also, wash your hands regularly, respect a distance of one meter between each person when we travel or sneeze in his elbow. Thursday March 19, 2020, Jimmy Mohamed, guest in duplex in Cyril Hanouna's living room from which he now animates TPMP, delivered another great piece of advice to viewers of the show, to apply from your next trip to the supermarket. "You advise us when returning from shopping to clean canned goods and other packaging with a wipe before putting them in the cupboard or in the fridge? " asked Cyril Hanouna to Jimmy Mohamed.

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"It is possible that the person in charge of the load or even the cashier may contaminate the plastics"replied the general practitioner. Indeed, it would seem that covid-19 is able to survive for several hours outside the human body and up to 24 hours on cardboard. "You have to have this reflex to remove the packaging first. You don't have to clean it when you can. For example, the tube of toothpaste, the cardboard you remove it and then you wash your hands. It’s better to do that in this particular period and make these simple but somewhat restrictive measures ", he concluded. For the more anxious, the doctor adds that it is not necessary or even advisable to wash your hands with bleach. Indeed, the epidermis constitutes a direct protection against the virus and bleach or other aggressive cleaning product could damage it. Soap and water will suffice!

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