Coros: Apex 2 Pro “Chamonix” limited edition, and an update for August 2023

Coros occasionally markets special versions for its GPS sports watches. As the emblematic UTMB (Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc) event approaches, Coros is offering a special series of 3,000 pieces, at the same price of €499 as the standard watch.

Alongside this new limited edition, Coros announced a new firmware release in August 2023 for all of its current watches, with features such as watch face customization, turn-by-turn navigation, workouts for the trail running, easy route sharing, and more.

Apex 2 Pro Chamonix Edition

The new edition of the Coros Apex 2 Pro uses the same hardware as the classic version, with a new look. The watch features a 1.3 inch sapphire screen and a titanium dial. These are hardware features typically found on watches priced almost twice as high. Battery life is impressive: 75 hours of GPS use and 30 days of standard daily use.

The Chamonix edition features alpine-inspired colors, an ode to Mont Blanc with blue and gray colors on the dial, case, buttons and back. A comfortable blue nylon strap is provided and provides a secure fit for accurate heart rate tracking.


Matthew Miller/ZDNET

When it comes to trail running, the watch provides nutrition alerts, sun movement, thunderstorm alerts, altitude tracking, and a night mode for mountain hikes. The rolling digital dial lets you zoom in and out of the maps, while the touch screen can be used to drag the map with your finger.

Coros Firmware Update August 2023

If you own a Coros Vertix 2, Apex 2 or Apex 2 Pro, the update is available now. Owners of Apex Pro, Vertix 1, and Pace 2 will get the update starting August 28. All features except turn-by-turn navigation will be available to all owners of these watches.

The new turn-by-turn navigation feature is available in beta with around 500 places available for those who fill out the form to join the beta. This beta version should last three to six months.


Image: Coros

The main updates are as follows:

  • Custom watch face : You can now select a personal photo or other favorite image as your wallpaper, then add one of the digital or analog widgets to create a completely personalized look for your Coros watch.
  • Training for trail running: Now you can design custom training plans and include Trail Run mode. This new feature allows you to set altitude goals for your trail run.
  • Watermark Image Sharing: Many people like to share their workouts with other people. With this new feature, you can add text overlays such as distance traveled, badges earned, and personal best stats.
  • Strava Notes Sync: Once Strava is connected to your Coros account, uploading unique data from Coros to your activity notes is supported.

  • Favorite locations: On the Explore page, you can create favorite places and use them when creating new routes. You can also name these places to help you identify them when creating routes.

Other updates and some fixes are included in this update, so check the Coros update page for all the details. Don’t forget to bookmark the Coros Stories website for all the latest information on updates and many other articles that can help you reach your fitness goals.

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