Cosco participation in the port of Hamburg: hysteria instead of strategy

A comparatively marginal participation of the Chinese state-owned company Cosco in a terminal in Hamburg has been hyped up as a security risk. But the real dangers lie elsewhere.

A ship belonging to the Chinese Cosco Group is loaded at the Tollerort terminal in the port of Hamburg on Tuesday.

Fabian Bimmer / X02840

René Höltschi is business correspondent for the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” in Berlin.

René Höltschi is business correspondent for the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” in Berlin.


You are reading an excerpt from the weekday newsletter “The Other View”, published today by René Höltschi, business correspondent for the NZZ in Berlin. Subscribe to the newsletter for free. Not resident in Germany? Benefit here.

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