Countering successfully: 5 sentences with which you will win every argument

Discuss successfully
5 phrases that will win any argument

The discussion leads to nothing? Then it’s high time to use one of these five phrases.


There’s nothing more frustrating than when an argument gets completely out of hand. Five short sentences are enough, with which you can steer the discussion in such a way that you even leave the conversation as a winner at the end.

If two or even more opinions clash in a discussion, it can quickly become emotional. Especially in these moments it is important not to lose control completely, but to have a de-escalating effect and even take the lead in the conversation.

Finding the right words when arguing

Because those who remain calm can present their opinions more convincingly than someone who loses control. Five sentences are particularly helpful at this moment in gaining the upper hand in the situation – you can find out what those are in the video.

Source used: Archival material


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