Couple: these signs that show that your partner is a narcissistic pervert

The narcissistic pervert, this great manipulator who controls his entire environment for your misfortune. Is your partner one? Here are some unmistakable signs.

First of all, we must not forget that the narcissistic pervert is an outstanding seducer. However, behind this caring prince charming and this suspicion of an ideal man often hides udon’t nobody hate. The other sign is its ability to lead a double life. For his target, he makes life simply hellish. Yet on the outside he doesn’t let it show and shows himself always charming with the environment of his couple. Which necessarily contradicts the testimony of his victim passing him off as a person who has lost their mind.

The much increased use of violence is also the signature of the narcissistic pervert. We talk about humiliation, criticisms that do not lack finesse and psychological abuse. Moreover, in addition to this frequently used weapon to control his targetthis manipulator can even go as far as physical violence. This is his last resort especially when his victim tries to escape his grip. The other attraction of the narcissistic pervert is his ability to isolate his victim. He ensures that his victim has this continual need to be with him and with him alone. Which means that she is gradually unconsciously breaking her ties with her friends and family.

An unhealthy relationship with money

We often associate the narcissistic pervert with the money, and rightly so. In fact, he tends to have control over your partner’s income. What attracts him is not really money or wealth, but rather control. After all, by having mastery over this part of his victim’s life, he has almost total control over its existence in general.

Do these signs speak to you? Usually, these symptoms are significant and don’t cheat. If this is the case, then it is imperative that you take measures vis-à-vis your partner.


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