Couples: these signs that show that you are in a bandage relationship

You have to go through several phases after a breakup, painful or not. The bandage relationship is a relationship that allows you to end your suffering sooner.

It takes time, a lot of time for some, for recovering from a painful breakup. To skip the step of grief sore of the loss of the loved one, one may tend to look for the easy way out, his consolation prize. To heal the wounds of a more or less recent separation, here is the role of the dressing partner. A bandage relation is thus the relation following a painful breakup. She aims to fill the void left by her ex. A band-aid relationship is usually not lasting. It is, moreover,a transitional relationship.

Generally, the person who turns to a band-aid relationship tries to forget his exfill her loneliness, take her mind off things or even boost her self-esteem lost with the breakup“, explains the psychologist Estelle Becquet quoted by Cosmopolitan. Although this is not always the case, very often this kind of relationship is thankless for the dressing partner. The fact is that reciprocity, at least the genuine one, is not not always present in this kind of relationship. How recognize a band-aid relationship ?

The 4 signs betraying a bandage relationship

There are signs to tell if you have engaged in a bandage relationship. The first sign is obvious: you have recently experienced a breakup. If in addition you are still comparing your new relationship with your ex, it means that you have not yet ticked the mourning box. In a desperate hope to get over your ex, you idealize the new person. And finally, if you can’t really project yourself into your new relationship, it’s probably becausea band-aid relationship.


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A band-aid relationship is thus the relationship that follows a painful breakup.


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The first sign is obvious: you have recently experienced a breakup.


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If in addition you always compare your new relationship with the one you have with your ex, it means that you have not yet checked the box of mourning.


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In a desperate hope of getting over your ex, you idealize the new person.


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Finally, if you can’t really project yourself into your new relationship, it’s probably a bandage relationship.

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