Couples: These Zodiac Signs Are The Most Honest

Some Zodiac signs are notorious for never expressing their opinion. Others are feared for their tendency to believe that all truths are good to speak.

The first Zodiac sign that has tendency to not mince words is the Virgin. Already, this Zodiac sign is known for his sense of humor very sarcasm driven. But the frankness of the Virgin can be particularly hurtful when she is moved by a certain nervousness mixed with malice. A native of the Virgo sign may tend to wanting to impose their opinion on others, and to do this he can become rude. After Virgo, there is Aries who is known for his intelligence, but also for his outspokenness. bursting eardrums and cutting hearts.

The hurtful words of Aries, when he adds to it his legendary arrogancecan ring out for years in your head. After Aries, the Zodiac sign condescending par excellence is that of Capricorn. Capricorn is sarcasm and cynicism incarnate when he gets down to it. The native of Capricorn is surely the sign of the Zodiac who likes to be right the most. His darkest and meanest side is revealed when he is angry andhe throws around hurtful words for which he will not apologize because he is always right.

Signs that are candid, but with a pretense of restraint

If you think that Geminis are nice, know that they can tell you your four truths without necessarily hurting you directly during their speeches. This Zodiac sign is one of the most frankbut he takes gloves for disguise his messages with irony. After Gemini, you have the natives of Scorpio who are sometimes identified as one of the baddest signs.

However Scorpio’s honesty doesn’t come free. It speaks to the right people and is launched only at the right moment. As for Aquarius, In vino veritas sums up his frankness well. It’s a sign that doesn’t always express feelings directly, but after a drink or two, you can expect a real avalanche of frankness and rudeness on his part.


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But the straightforwardness of Virgo can be particularly hurtful when it is driven by a certain nervousness mixed with the nastiness very typical of Virgo.


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After Virgo, there is Aries who is known for his intelligence but also for his outspokenness that bursts the eardrums and cuts the hearts.


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The hurtful words of Aries, when he adds his legendary arrogance, can ring in your head for years.


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After Aries, the ultimate condescending zodiac sign is Capricorn.


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Capricorn can turn out to be sarcasm and cynicism personified when they get down to it.

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