Couples: what is golden penis syndrome?

It is extremely easy for a man with golden penis syndrome to find a partner. However, having a golden penis is not a good thing.

the golden penis syndrome is not a new disease that would gild the male genitalia. In fact, it is rathertoxic behavior, a tendency to put oneself on a pedestal. the golden or golden penis syndromederiving its name from the English “golden penis“, is a phenomenon that takes place in universities, even cities, where the number of women is much higher than that of men. A priori, the golden penis only concerns heterosexual men. The phenomenon and the term find their origin in the art campus of Sarah Lawrence College.

In this American university, we count 75% women for 25% men. Since the men feel like they are in a harem and they only face no male competition, it’s almost as if they were serving themselves at a buffet. Whether to find love or rather for a one night stand, these men only have to put in very little or no effort at all. They are always in demand and are sure to do not miss conquests that this position their go to the head. Those affected by golden penis syndrome are advocates of least effort.

Men who are necessarily nothing special

Thanks to the abundance of women in their university, these men, some of whom would not even no good lovers even less excellent lovers can enough to eat. The writer Jon Birger, interviewed by Cosmopolitan, revealed that the golden penis phenomenon is not about not only the university of Sarah Lawrence College. While writing his book Date-Onomicsthe writer observed the same phenomenon in cities where we count a lot more women than men. According to a student interviewed by the writer, these men were really nothing special, they simply thought thatthey had a golden penis because they were very often solicited.


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In this American university, there are 75% women for 25% men.


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Since the men feel like they’re in a harem and they don’t face any male competition, it’s almost like they’re helping themselves.


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Whether it’s to find love or rather for a one-night stand, these men have to do very little or no effort at all.


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They are in demand all the time and are sure not to run out of conquests that this position goes to their heads.


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Those affected by golden penis syndrome are proponents of least effort.

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