Couples: your partner is Aries? Here is its main quality

The ram has, like all the signs of the Zodiac, qualities and defects. Closer tells you more.

Aries are people born between March 21 and April 19. In astrology, it is the very first sign of the zodiac, associated to renewal, to the fire element, to the planet Mars, and in general, to notions of energy and movement. Like all signs of the zodiac, he has faults but also qualities and in particular one that stands out. If he has an impulsive side, it nevertheless allows him to be very brave and go for it when other signs would be afraid to take the lead. Indeed, they are able to book a trip to the other side of the world on a whim but also to proof of creativity. Among the main qualities, we can mention the side extrovert, dynamic but also the enthusiasm overflowing people born under this sign.

In terms of privacy, however, the ram has some flaws. He can show himself very jealous but also make mistakes since he does not think before he speaks. He also hate routine, forgive only when water has flowed under the bridge and a lot of trouble getting along with other rams. In love, the Aries woman is very passionate. She is a great lover who does not hesitate to give everything of herself. Independent, she prefers to be active and won’t just stay home. The character of the Aries man is quite similar since he is dominated by the need to impose oneself in a very rhythmic daily life. He refuses failures and has great difficulty in recognizing his wrongs. Regarding the ideal love compatibility, the woman will be able to find love in the arms of a man. Lionwho will share his extravagance. For the Aries man, it is a woman under the astrological sign. fish which can meet their expectations.

Aries has a strong personality

People whose zodiac sign is Aries are go-getters even combative. If your partner is an Aries, you will notice that he is a whole being who does not give up easily. With its position as leader of the other astrological signs, Aries regularly puts itself forward since it is a sign of action rather than reflection, exterior rather than interior, efficiency rather than precision. Qualities that allow him to stand out and move forward, in all circumstances.


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