Covid-19: an application will make it possible to replace absent teachers

A miracle solution for many schools? Andjaro, an application for linking the needs of replacement teachers with the available teachers, has been tested in the first degree, reports the JDD. It makes it possible “to find emergency replacements within an organization itself,” explains Quentin Guilluy, its CEO. Created in 2015, the application is currently used by companies such as Sodexo, Engie or Elior. “I contacted the National Education following a conversation with my sister, who was a replacement,” says the founder of the start-up.

In May 2021, the ministry launched an experiment in the Lot and Somme. And the record is pretty good. “Where we replaced 77% of those absent in 2019-2020, we are at more than 90%”, welcomes the ministry. Concerning the two departments, the analyzes of the application show that from September to November, the “coverage rate” had exceeded 95% in the Lot and 98% in the Somme.

Fewer kilometers for substitutes

“This tool improves management, but also, and above all, the working conditions of those who manage or provide replacements”, specifies Karine Avril, who follows the experiment within the Toulouse academy.

In the Lot, replacements can be validated in less than three minutes in 80% of cases. Another improvement: the replacements, they now travel 20 kilometers on average, against 32 before. They receive all the information they need by e-mail or SMS to join the school.

>> To read also – To recruit a teacher, parents search on Bon Coin… and receive applications

However, some unions view the deployment of this application with a dim view. “Teachers are reluctant to give away their cellphones, others would prefer to travel more for a replacement in a school they like”, warns the SNUipp-FSU. In the future, this type of tool could be generalized.

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