Covid-19 at school: call for a national teachers’ strike on January 13

“The epidemic situation is reaching peaks of contamination. The Minister of Education, for his part, continues to make the choice to keep schools open “whatever the cost” ”, denounce unions who call for a general strike Thursday, January 13

“It’s just no longer possible”: in a statement released this Friday, the teachers’ union SNUipp-FSU calls on staff to go on strike on January 13 “to put an end to contempt and lies and to bring the conditions to an end. a secure school under Omicron ”.

“As expected, the epidemic situation reached peaks of contamination. The Minister of Education, for his part, continues to make the choice to keep schools open “whatever the cost”. It alleviates protective measures, in particular on class closures and the isolation of students, totally disrupting the school, putting staff, students and their families in danger and teachers in professional suffering, ”denounces the union in reaction to the reduction in the health protocol announced Thursday evening.

The SE-Unsa also calls on teachers and other stakeholders “to go on strike in schools, colleges and high schools, on January 13, to make the minister understand that the school and its staff can no longer keep up with impractical protocols and changing from day to day, ”the latter wrote in a statement.

“Permanent and exhausting adjustments”

“The more flexible rules for this re-entry, combined with the Omicron variant, lead to disorderly absences of students and educational teams which impact the school as a whole”, writes the union. “The contradictory last-minute injunctions require permanent and exhausting adjustments.”

Among other things, SNUipp-FSU calls for the return of the rule “1 positive case = closure of the class”, the isolation of intra-family contact cases and a policy of systematic weekly preventive saliva tests. According to the union, the staff must in particular “be equipped with surgical masks, and FFP2 for those who wish, self-tests must be provided to them and the classrooms and catering rooms equipped with CO sensors2 “.

This call was joined by most of the other teachers’ unions, SE-Unsa, Snes-FSU, Snalc, CGT Educ’action, SUD Education and FO. Teachers have until Monday evening to declare themselves on strike.

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