Covid-19: Christian Estrosi announces the wearing of a compulsory mask in transport in Nice

The mayor goes further than the government which, for the moment, recommends wearing a mask.

For now, wearing a mask is recommended by the government. In Nice, it will soon be imposed, announced Christian Estrosi. “I took my order with other mayors of the metropolis, I am thinking of that of Cagnes-sur-Mer and Saint Laurent, so that, in metropolitan transport, everyone wears the mask in a mandatory way“, he announced on RTL. This therefore applies to users of buses, trams,the entire transport network“.

The mayor of Nice wants to take all his precautions: “The government will be forced to come to it: 200,000 more cases in less than 24 hours, we can clearly see there that there is a 7th wave which is soaring“, he argues. This is not the first time that, in the context of the health crisis, Christian Estrosi has decided to go a little further than the executive. In July 2021, the mayor of Nice announced that he wanted children in leisure centers to present a PCR test or a vaccination certificate. Before giving up the measure, preferring to impose saliva tests.

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