Covid-19: figures for the epidemic recovery in France

Yasmina Kattou, edited by Gauthier Delomez

Less exposed to the front of the stage lately, the Covid-19 epidemic seems to be making a comeback in France. Hospital admissions are on the rise again, while just under one in three people aged between 60 and 79 have not received a second booster shot. Europe 1 takes stock of the figures.


The finding is alarming on the part of caregivers: only 29% of 60-79 year olds have received a second anti-Covid-19 vaccine booster, while the epidemic is reappearing in France and admissions to hospital are on the rise again. Concretely, the incidence rate jumped by 53% in seven days, which represents 373 patients per 100,000 inhabitants. This increase in the number of cases is reflected in the hospital: after a constant decline at the end of April, the number of new hospitalizations increased by 20% over the past week.

On average, there were 490 people hospitalized each day. The responsible for this epidemic rebound is the BA.5 sub-variant which is replacing BA.2.

The resumption of hugs in question

“BA.5 has an ease of penetration into cells which is greater than BA.2”, first explains infectiologist Emmanuel Piednoir at the microphone of Europe 1. “From the moment the structure of the virus evolves, the immune system is less effective,” he said.

We must add to this new variant the abandonment of barrier gestures, as the president of the Scientific Council Jean-François Delfraissy points out to Europe 1. In May, only 46% of French people said they greeted each other without contact. The hugs resumed. However, it is always essential to respect physical distance and wash your hands regularly to prevent the spread of the virus.

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