Covid-19: France cancels its order for 50,000 antiviral treatments from the Merck laboratory

France has canceled its order for Merck’s antiviral treatment for patients at high risk of severe form of Covid-19, due to the disappointing results of this treatment, and hopes to receive that from Pfizer before the end of January, said Wednesday December 22 the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran.

France is the first country to publicly announce the cancellation of its order for the treatment developed by Merck.

At the end of November, the pharmaceutical group had published data suggesting that its drug was much less effective than hoped. For patients at very high risk of severe form, it would only reduce hospitalizations and deaths by about 30%.

On December 10, the High Authority for Health (HAS) had also refused to allow early access to molnupiravir, as a curative treatment for mild and moderate forms of Covid in adults at risk who have tested positive. On the other hand, she had given the green light to Evusheld treatment, the antiviral drug from AstraZeneca.

In October, Olivier Véran had indicated that France had pre-ordered 50,000 doses of this treatment. For the treatment developed by Pfizer, which has shown in the trial phase an effectiveness of nearly 90% in avoiding the risks of hospitalization and death in high-risk patients, according to the American laboratory, Olivier Véran said he hoped in available from the end of January.

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