Covid-19: health authorities authorize Paxlovid treatment


Lhe High Authority for Health (HAS) gave the green light on Friday to the use of a new treatment to fight against serious forms of Covid-19. This is the antiviral Paxlovid, the first deliveries of which are expected in France within a few days. Following the opinion of the National Medicines Agency, the HAS “authorizes early access to the Paxlovid treatment (nirmatrelvir/ritonavir) from the Pfizer laboratory for adults with Covid-19 who do not require oxygen therapy and to high risk of progression to a severe form of the disease”.

This is a treatment primarily intended for populations at risk (very elderly, immunocompromised, suffering from certain rare diseases, etc.). This pill is taken orally as three tablets per day for five days. It is recommended to take it as soon as possible after the positive diagnosis for Covid-19 and at most within five days of the onset of symptoms. Effective against Omicron, this treatment reduces the risk of being hospitalized or dying from Covid by around 85%, according to clinical studies.

The HAS notes, however, that the antiviral is contraindicated in people with severe hepatic insufficiency or severe renal insufficiency. It also points to the significant risk of drug interactions when taking Paxlovid for patients taking another treatment. “We have reserved 500,000 doses in 2022 and the first deliveries – a few thousand doses – are expected in a week,” the entourage of the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, told Agence France Presse on Thursday. Its deployment will be done in particular via a prescription by general practitioners, in all pharmacies. Paxlovid is the first anti-Covid antiviral to obtain early access clearance.

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