Covid-19: Jean Castex contaminated at the worst political moment

Jacques Serais

Prime Minister Jean Castex tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday and was placed in solitary confinement. This contamination comes at the worst time for the government. The executive is indeed considering taking new measures to curb the epidemic recovery during the health defense council on Wednesday.


It’s as if the fate were hounding him. Already in contact three times, Jean Castex tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday. The Prime Minister is only feeling mild symptoms so far, but he has still been placed in solitary confinement. At a time when France is experiencing a major epidemic recovery and the government is calling for everyone to be responsible, the contamination of Jean Castex, who has yet to be vaccinated twice, is disrupting the government’s message.

A relaxation of barrier gestures

In recent days, the attitude of the Prime Minister has raised questions. It was as if the Matignon tenant had let his guard down. Last week, we saw him chaining warm handshakes with the elected officials of Hauts-de-France during a reception at the Ministry of the Interior. Jean Castex, without a mask, in this closed place: the image was terrible for the one who for months has been the champion of barrier gestures.

To read the reaction on the social networks of the anti-vaccines, the contamination of the Prime Minister reinforces even more the mistrust vis-à-vis the political class. Clearly, this contamination blurs the message at the worst time since the executive is considering taking new measures to try to control the epidemic recovery.

New measures to come

Before the health defense council which is held on Wednesday, several measures are being studied by the government, such as the wearing of a systematic mask indoors but also in town centers and commercial areas. Gauges could also make a comeback in some public places like nightclubs or concert halls.

The crucial point of this defense council is the health pass and the question of the third dose. Those over 65 have until December 15 to receive it, otherwise their health pass will be invalidated. People over 50 can receive this booster dose from the beginning of December. But what schedule for the rest of the population? This is what could be fixed at the end of the defense council on Wednesday. The possibility that Jean Castex speaks in duplex from Matignon at the end of this advice is not ruled out at this stage.

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