Covid-19: the epidemic peak expected in August?

European 1

As the Covid-19 epidemic is on the rise again with nearly 124,000 cases in the past 24, the president of the scientific council Jean-François Delfraissy explained that the “seventh wave” should “not spoil the summer”, but that the healthcare system could be under pressure again towards the end of July.

The Covid-19 epidemic is on the rise again, with more than 124,000 cases detected in 24 hours according to the latest figures. This represents an increase of 60% compared to last week. Hospitalizations are also on the rise. This Thursday morning, Professor Jean-François Delfraissy, president of the scientific council, estimated this morning that “this new wave will not spoil the summer, because we are vaccinated”, even if he recommends “to resume vaccination among older and re-examine a number of recommendations to limit contamination”.

A hospital wave in August?

A theory shared by Benjamin Davido, infectiologist and Covid-19 referent director at the Raymond-Poincaré hospital in Garches on Europe 1: “One of the scientific concerns is that we know that reinfections are possible and We therefore imagine that if this wave follows the same trend as what happened in Portugal where it lasted a little over six weeks, we will end up with a difficult hospital wave in the middle of August”, he explains. For this, he recommends “sustainable measures and in sustainable strategies”.

On Monday, the Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon, “asked the French to put the mask back on transport”, out of good citizenship, in the face of the rise in cases.

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