While some adults are trying at all costs to be contaminated by a relative positive for Covid-19 to avoid being vaccinated against the virus, a similar phenomenon seems to be spreading in playgrounds. In any case, this is what a daily article says. The Parisian, published on January 22. In some French colleges and high schools, students would organize, since the Christmas holidays, “contests” to catch Covid-19 or become a contact case. The goal ? Have a valid excuse for miss class, be quiet and no longer have to do antigen tests regularly or have more time to revise.
If these games stay for now “minorities”, some Headteachers are no less worried, specifies the daily. A manager of a college in the Paris region, where the trend is spreading more and more, even sent a letter to parents to warn them of the circulation of this “disturbing and heartbreaking phenomenon”, so that they can tell their children about it.
Smacks, cuddles without a mask and sharing meals
But, concretely, what do these “competition” to try to have the Covid-19? It can be voluntarily sharing your water bottle, eating when faced with a contact case in the canteen, passing the forks, or even get done “smacks as soon as a student has a runny nose”, explains a high school student. In a college in Saint-Étienne, a ritual is put in place each time a student is likely to have the virus: if “It’s a boy, the other boys will shake his hand” and if “it’s a girl, they hug each other, in a group, without the mask”, says a 4th grade student in Parisian.
A variation of these “competition” also emerged. Some students declare themselves to be contact cases of positive comrades when it is false. They can thus leave the establishment “time to do the test and miss an hour of class they don’t want to attend, says another high school student. The major problem with these games is that they can be dangerous. And for good reason, although the probability is lower, adolescents are unfortunately not spared from serious forms of the virus.