Covid-19: treating but not preventing, the government’s strategy for living with the virus

Sanitary dead end

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The Covid-19 pandemic in Francecase

The fifth wave, and after? The coronavirus is not going away. The government is gradually deciding to focus on the treatment of the disease, to the detriment of the fight against the circulation of the virus. A choice fraught with consequences and yet little debated.

“We don’t care about the circulation of a virus if it is very little pathogenic.” Jean-François Delfraissy acknowledges “push the cork a little far”, but it expresses well the new French doctrine in the face of Covid-19. Invited this Thursday by the Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Technical Choices (Opecst) to answer the question “Should we change the strategy to fight the virus?”, the President of the Scientific Council launches two essential debates for the future. How many intensive care beds are needed in France? How many annual deaths from Covid-19 can we accept? Without providing an answer.

His exit did not wink at the parliamentarians present. Because the idea of ​​abandoning the fight against transmission and the high rate of viral circulation now seems to be well accepted. However, the lesser severity of omicron does not take into account the existence of long Covids, these 10 to 30% of patients who experience symptoms for several months without having been hospitalized at first. She also forgets…

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