Cozy instead of hygge: This is how you will be happy like a Norwegian in autumn

Cozy instead of hygge
This is how you will be happy like a Norwegian in autumn

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It’s getting nasty out there. But that doesn’t matter. After all, in Scandinavia it is dark and cold in autumn and winter – and yet everyone is in a good mood.

by Theresa Koenig

Whenever luck is involved, everyone talks about the Danes. According to the statistics, the Norwegians are at least as happy. Why is that? In their way of life. What is “hygge” in Denmark and everyone here now knows it, is called “koselig” in Norway. Here are six really blissful things that put you in a good mood despite little light and the eternal fall and winter:

1. A really fat blanket

You have the feeling that going out makes little sense right now? Then snuggle up on your sofa, wrap yourself in your new warm extra soft and super thick blanket and relax. After all, that’s what the Norwegians do too.

2. Eat Kanelknuter

Cinnamon rolls are good, cannel knotters are better. What exactly is that? Twisted knotted cinnamon bows sure to make you happy, especially while lounging on the couch with your blanket on. However, this applies to all sweets. They are specifically allowed.

3. Read a book!

Reading not only makes you smarter, but also makes you happier. It’s also nice and cozy at home with a very warm blanket and a knotty knot. Concept is clear, isn’t it? Incidentally, point 5 goes perfectly with this.

4. Put on a thick sweater, man!

What’s worse than sweating? When you’re freezing. This is exactly why you should always be dressed appropriately: In autumn and winter, for example, this means wearing a really soft, thick sweater. At best in Norwegian chic. Even saves the ceiling in an emergency.

5. Make yourself light.

This can be done with many small lamps or candles or preferably both. If it’s nasty and gray outside, it should at least be bright and beautiful inside. Candles, a fireplace and indirect light simply make every apartment cozier.

6. Cuddling with others helps.

Community is very important in Norway. Certainly also a reason why everyone is so happy there. One thing is certain: Alone you are less together – and you can’t cuddle so well under the covers. That’s why it’s best to hang out with family and friends. The ceiling of point 1 should therefore not only be bold, but also very large. Alternatively, it is simply best to have several blankets there.


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