crazy potential for the next game

Can Baldur’s Gate 4 be a success even without the developers at Larian Studios at the helm? The potential is in any case enormous according to the team.

You have to get used to the idea, but Larian Studios decided not to make Baldur’s Gate 4. As indicated by boss Swen Vincke, the members of the structure were not ready to come back for a new game. “We had not yet mourned the current game, and launching into a new opus so soon seemed wrong” did he declare. But for Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast, this is not an obstacle to the development of the franchise which is already assured of having a future.

Baldur’s Gate 4 must be unique

Larian Studios made a surprising but respectable choice after the enormous success of Baldur’s Gate 3. The motivation was not sufficient to continue on this path, and the studio needed to develop other projects of their own. But despite this withdrawal of the Belgian teams, the video game license is not going to be shelved. Discussions about the future are already well underway, and clearly, there is a rush at the gate to take back the reins despite the weight of the series. “We are in discussions with many partners. And we’re also being approached by many who want to take on the challenge of shaping the future of the Baldur’s Gate franchise.” explained Eugene Evans, vice president of digital strategy and licensing for Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast.

Even if Larian Studios isn’t handling Baldur’s Gate 4, their experience could be very useful to future successors. But Swen Vincke, the boss of the company, doesn’t want to encroach on their territory and tell them what to do. It’s up to the lucky ones to chart their course and do what they see fit for Baldur’s Gate 4. “It’s up to them. They have to do their own thing, right? So I’m not going to pester them with advice. I can’t wait to see what they do with it. Honestly, there is so much to do. It’s a real field of possibilities that awaits them” (via Gamesradar+). For its part, Larian Studios announced the opening of a new studio which will lend a hand to the teams in the design of “two very ambitious RPGs”.

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