credit rates continue to rise, the conditions for obtaining them are getting tougher

Partly due to the war in Ukraine, the rise in interest rates was confirmed in April, according to several brokerage specialists interviewed by Les chos. A situation that toughens the conditions for obtaining housing loans.

According to several real estate brokerage professionals interviewed by things, the slight rise in mortgage rates was confirmed in April. According to our colleagues, a 20-year loan is negotiated today at an average rate of 1.35%, i.e. +0.35% since the beginning of the year. According to figures from the CSA Credit Housing Observatory quoted by BFM TV, the provisional average rate on April 15 rose to 1.22% against 1.18% in March, all durations combined.

In question? Inflation, which after reaching +2.9% in January rose in March +4.5% over one year, according to INSEE. Largely due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, this situation has led some banks to take measures, such as reducing the validity period of commercial proposals from 30 to 5 days or revising the usury rates downwards, which correspond to the maximum rates that the banks are allowed to apply under a loan.

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In addition, the rise in rates is generally compensated by an increase in the monthly repayments. According to the director of studies of the brokerage specialist Vousfinancer, in order to be able to borrow 300,000 euros over 20 years, you must now earn 200 euros net more per month so as to compensate for a 0.50 point rise in rates in certain banks and thus respect the 35% debt threshold.

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According to another expert contacted by things, the personal contribution of future buyers therefore becomes a valuable advantage in obtaining a loan. In addition, the number of loans granted in France fell by 5.5% this quarter compared to the first quarter of 2021.

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