Credit Suisse pays 238 million euros to avoid criminal proceedings in France

Credit Suisse, the second Swiss bank, has agreed to pay 238 million euros in France to avoid criminal prosecution for illegal canvassing of customers and aggravated laundering of tax fraud between 2005 and 2012, according to an agreement validated Monday by the president of the court of Paris.

By agreeing to sign this legal agreement in the public interest (Cjip) concluded with the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF), Credit Suisse AG thus avoids a lawsuit in France and settles its dispute both with the tax authorities, to which it will pay 115 million euros in damages, only with the public prosecutor, by paying a fine of 123 million euros.

The investigation by the financial prosecutor’s office began in 2016 after receiving reports in the context of mutual financial assistance for laundering tax fraud and illegal direct banking.

Investigations revealed that 5,000 French customers had had a Credit Suisse account for many years, which had not been declared to the French tax authorities.

The hidden assets amounted to 2 billion euros, recalled the president of the court Stphane Nol.

Credit Suisse did not send any account statements. The canvassing did not comply with French legislation, the sales representatives traveled to France, in all discretion. They identified prospects with visits to hotels, restaurants, never to the official premises of the French establishment, he added.

The PNF calculated the fine taking into account increasing factors, namely the systemic nature, a long period, the creation of tools to conceal, detailed the prosecutor Franois-Xavier Dulin. The bank has created offshore structures to help its customers in their desire not to declare certain assets to the French administration, he underlined.

The PNF also took into account the limiting factors which are the corrective measures taken by the bank, the cooperation of the bank, the compensation of 115,000 million to the tax authorities.

The bank has twelve months to pay these sums, in three instalments.

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It is a historical page, the vestige of an old era that the bank has just settled, insisted during the hearing to the bank’s lawyer, Charles-Henri Boeringer.

In a press release, Credit Suisse recalled that this public interest judicial agreement did not include an admission of guilt and marked an important step in the proactive resolution of disputes.

Before Credit Suisse, HSBC Private Bank, a Swiss subsidiary of the British banking giant HSBC, had already agreed to pay 300 million euros to escape a trial in France for laundering tax fraud on November 14, 2017.

This was the very first public interest agreement signed in France.

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