“Creepy spy software”: Elon Musk threatens to ban Apple iPhones

“Creepy spy software”
Elon Musk threatens Apple to ban iPhones

No sooner had Tim Cook & Co. presented their AI plans than Elon Musk launched an angry tirade on X. If ChatGPT is actually integrated into the operating systems, he will ban iPhones and other Apple devices running the “creepy spy software” from his companies, he writes.

At the WWDC developer conference, Apple described the implementation of new AI functions as the “next big step” for the company. However, its own capabilities are limited, which is why ChatGPT, among others, is being brought on board. Apple explained how data protection will be maintained, but billionaire Elon Musk still lost his temper. He wrote angrily on X under a post by Apple CEO Tim Cook that either “this creepy spy software” will be stopped or he will ban the use of iPhones and all other Apple devices in his companies.

In his own timeline, Musk added that visitors to his companies had to hand over Apple devices at the door, where they would be stored in a Faraday cage. If Apple integrated OpenAI at the operating system level, this would be an “unacceptable security breach”. It was completely absurd that Apple was not smart enough to develop its own AI, but still wanted to be able to ensure that OpenAI protected security and privacy. Apple had no idea what actually happened when they handed over their data to OpenAI. It would be betrayed and sold.

Musk then followed up with more memes, commenting “exactly!” on an X user’s post, saying that people should remember how Scarlett Johansson told OpenAI not to use her voice, but she was cloned anyway. Now imagine what they could do with phone data, even if you didn’t allow it.

According to Apple, data protection is guaranteed

Apparently Musk did not follow the Apple keynote very closely. There was no mention of integrating ChatGPT into the operating systems and granting access to data stored there. ChatGPT is optional, confirmation is requested when using the function, IP addresses are made unrecognizable and OpenAI does not save any requests, it was said. However, if you decide to connect the accounts for additional functions, ChatGPT’s data usage guidelines apply.

Musk’s angry tirade may have something to do with his general dislike of OpenAI, with which he has a long history. In March, he sued the company over its alliance with Microsoft. This runs counter to the startup’s original mission of developing artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity, his lawyers said. OpenAI has developed into a de facto subsidiary of Microsoft. “Under the new board, artificial intelligence is not only being developed but also refined to maximize profits for Microsoft and not for the benefit of humanity.”

The true nature of the universe

Musk was one of the co-founders of OpenAI in 2015, which was founded as a non-profit organization. Three years later, he left. Recently, the billionaire started his own AI project with xAI and, according to a Blog post has already raised around six billion US dollars from investors, including the Saudi Arabian Prince al-Walid ibn Talal Al Saud. According to Reuters, the value of xAI is currently estimated at a total of 24 billion dollars.

The AI ​​startup’s blog post states: “xAI is primarily focused on developing advanced AI systems that are truthful, competent, and of maximum benefit to all of humanity. The company’s mission is to understand the true nature of the universe.”

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