Cristina Cordula, Michel Cymes, Nagui… These animators who call to vote Emmanuel Macron

In a column published this Friday, April 15, hundreds of personalities are calling to vote for Emmanuel Macron to block Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election on April 24. Among them, many animators including Nagui, Cristina Cordula or Michel Cymès.

“On April 10, the far right, for the third time in the history of the Fifth Republic, is in the second round of the presidential election, at the gates of power. Never has it been so close to the carry”. This Friday, February 15, near 500 personalities co-signed a forum transmitted to the media, including AFP and Le Parisien.

Among the authors of this press release, comedians, singers, directors, writers, representatives of the world of culture or even animators such as Nagui, Cristina Cordula, Michel Cymès, Sidonie Bonnec, Valérie Damidot, Bruno Guillon or even Manu Lévy. Even if they recognize “sometimes have had deep differences, oppositions and disagreements with the power in place”, all call to block the far right and the RN candidate Marine Le Pen for the second round of the presidential election on 24th April next.

“We do not equate democracy and populism”

But if for some of us the outcome of this first round was not as expected, if for some of us mistrust remains; for us today there is no hesitation, no doubt, no hesitation. We do not equate democracy and populism”continued the collective, considering that “nothing in Marine Le Pen’s program brings them closer to the history of France that is resistant, humanist, generous and open to the world“. These personalities also affirmed that the program of the candidate of the National Assembly “remains that of xenophobia and withdrawal into oneself, of a candidate who has made an alliance with totalitarian and warmongering powers”.

This appeal comes a few days after that launched by many French sportsmen to vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron. “This Friday, July 26, 2024, at the end of a historic opening ceremony on the Seine, among dozens of heads of state, in front of athletes from all over the world and billions of television viewers, whoever will be elected on April 24 will embody the country in the eyes of the world. A few weeks later, he or she will also open the Paralympic Games. We, French sportsmen and women from all walks of life and all disciplines, cannot imagine that this historic moment is marked with the seal of a far-right presidency., could we read in particular in this letter, published in the columns of Parisian.There is no doubt that eight days before the decisive election, these calls could weigh in the balance.


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© Denis Guignebourg

2/12 –

Cristina Cordula
This Friday, February 15, nearly 500 personalities co-signed a forum sent to the media, including AFP and Le Parisien.


3/12 –

Michael Cymes
“On April 10, the far right, for the third time in the history of the Fifth Republic, is in the second round of the presidential election, at the gates of power. Never has it been so close to the take away”, wrote the authors of the tribune


4/12 –

Sidonie Bonnec
Among the authors of this press release, comedians, singers, directors, writers, representatives of the world of culture or even animators

© Jack Tribeca

5/12 –

Valerie Damidot
In the animators we find Nagui, Cristina Cordula, Michel Cymès, Sidonie Bonnec, Valérie Damidot, Bruno Guillon or even Manu Lévy.

© Jack Tribeca

6/12 –

Manu Levy
Even if they recognize “sometimes having had differences, oppositions and deep disagreements with the power in place”, all call to block the far right and the candidate of the RN Marine Le Pen for the second round of the presidential election on April 24.


7/12 –

Bruno Guillon
“But if for some of us the outcome of this first round was not as expected, if for some of us mistrust remains; there is no hesitation for us today, no doubt, no flutter,” the authors continued.

© Cyril Moreau

8/12 –

“We do not equate democracy and populism”, can we also read

© Veeren -Christophe Clovis

9/12 –

Cristina Cordula
Cristina Cordula


10/12 –

Michael Cymes
The signatories believe that “nothing in Marine Le Pen’s program brings them closer to the history of France that is resistant, humanist, generous and open to the world”


11/12 –

Sidonie Bonnec
These personalities also affirmed that the program of the candidate of the National Rally “remains that of xenophobia and withdrawal, of a candidate who has made an alliance with totalitarian and warmongering powers”

© Pierre Perusseau

12/12 –

Valerie Damidot
This call comes a few days after that launched by many French sportsmen to vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron.

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