Criticism of “Prey”: “Predator 5” outshines everything in 2022

“Prey” can count on a fantastic leading actress. Young action heroines à la Katniss Everdeen from “The Hunger Games” are currently in vogue, but even in comparison to Jennifer Lawrence, Amber Midthunder shows great qualities here. She is totally believable in this very physical role, sweating, screaming and bleeding through the intense fights. The way she meets the high-tech arsenal of the alien predator with a throwing ax, bow and arrow is impressive and visually stunning. Distilled genre cinema, sure, but of the very best kind. Even those who have never seen a “Predator” film can enter here without any problems. “Prey” is convincing on its own. There is only one thing that can be criticized when it comes to this fun film: Film fans would have liked to have admired such a masterful survival gem on the big screen instead of just seeing it at home on Disney+.

It would also have been a nice sign, since it has been a long time since a film has shown the culture of the indigenous peoples on the North American continent so lovingly. Leaving aside the necessary liberties in terms of content, the everyday life and hunting practices of the Comanches were portrayed as realistically and authentically as possible. Midthunder itself has “First Nation” ancestors, producer Jhane Myers is even Comanchin. The classic Western theme of the stranger who brutally conquers the “Indian country” has been varied here in a more appealing way than seldom. So it’s no longer a surprise that not only wild animals and tribe members, but also a couple of French colonialists are brutally murdered by the Predator in one scene. Trachtenberg knows that a beast of prey like the Predator has to be thrown a treat.

At Disney+, “Predator” fans will be as happy as they were last in 1987, when it all began. “Prey” is now available there. The streaming provider has not only given nerds all over the world a gift, but also brought in one of the film highlights of the year for itself. A rare stroke of luck for really everyone.

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