Crowdfunding: a fantasy author explodes records on Kickstarter to publish his novels

In just 35 minutes, the American writer Brandon Sanderson collected a booty… of a million dollars. Currently, the prize pool stands at over $23 million.

When Brandon Sanderson launched a crowdfunding campaign for the publication of four of his books, he probably did not expect this crazy success. Beyond the symbolic milestone of one million dollars in 35 minutesthe author passed that of 10 million from the start of the second day, and that of 20 million in just five days.

Already popular with fans of the fantasy and sci-fi genres, the author was initially aiming for the $1 million mark. (about 915,000 euros) within thirty days. The mission is therefore more than successful. In a Facebook post, Brandon Sanderson reacts : “I am supposed to write fantasy worlds, not to live. Not so long ago, we hit 20 million on Kickstarter (…) We just came the biggest Kickstarter all time. wow.»

Previous records broken

Indeed, with this sum (which continues to climb)the author exceeds the records of the watch Pebble Time ($20.3 million in 2016) or that of the Coolest Cooler, multi-function cooler that face always on the podium of the biggest boxes of kickstarter but was a veritable commercial fiasco. The four unpublished novels, written in secret during the pandemic, will be published in 2023, at the rate of one per quarter. They will be available in paper, digital and audio format.

As our colleagues from Slateit was also a question of financing the creation ofa box “Year of Sanderson» (“Iyear of Sanderson”) containing not only the four works but also eight boxes of the different series of the writer. Born in 1975 in Nebraska, the author strives to develop a universe in which each cycle of novels responds to the others, while being able to be read independently. “Sons-of-the-mists», “Alcatraz” or “The Archives of Roshar» are his most famous series.

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