Culture news After One Piece on Netflix, another successful anime could have its remake: in any case, this is the mangaka’s wish!

Culture news After One Piece on Netflix, another successful anime could have its remake: this is in any case the mangaka’s wish!

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It certainly hasn’t escaped your notice that remakes are popular at the moment. While this anime was once one of the most popular in the world, its creator would like to remake it. Good or bad idea ?

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The great wave of remakes is not about to stop

If you like watching films and series on various SVOD services like Disney+ or Netflix, you have surely noticed that remakes are particularly trendy at the moment. Whether it is to make a live action adaptation of an animated work or simply to relaunch the hype of a saga, they seem to be legion and everything suggests that it is not about to stop. Among the most recent examples, we can for example cite One Piece which benefited from a live action adaptation on Netflix a few months ago. Satisfactory for some, too “cosplay” for others, it must be admitted that the latter had its qualities and that it knew how to introduce the universe to many new fans.

Inspired by this success, Netflix did not stop there and very recently broadcast another live action adaptation: that of the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Unfortunately, the latter was still a little less successful, even if many spectators seem satisfied since it is one of the most watched series of the moment. Soon, Netflix subscribers will also be able to find the first episodes of One Piece in a completely redone version which we hope is a little more concise than in the basic version of the anime, although it is still too early to know. You will have understood, the era is of remakes, and this fashion does not seem to be limited to Netflix.

Soon a remake for Bleach?

If you discovered the world of manga and anime in the 2000s, you surely know what we call “Big Three”. Under this term actually hides the three sagas One Piece, Naruto And Bleach who simply dominated manga and anime sales during their golden age. Today, even if One Piece is still in very good shape, it must be admitted that the page has been turned for Naruto and for Bleach, even if the latter still enjoys a certain popularity thanks to the arc Thousand Year Blood War currently streaming on Disney+. But while we thought that the latter would mark the end for Bleach, its creator seems to have other plans.

Indeed, Tite Kubo recently admitted that he would really like to remake the anime version of Bleach. It must be said that the latter was filled with filler episodes and that even if its original soundtrack and its fights were unanimous at the time of its broadcast, fans deserved a version a little more faithful to the mangas. Regarding a possible remake, the mangaka said on his own blog that he “would like it to happen” and that he would like the latter to “follow the original work faithfully”. Enough to give hope to fans of Ichigo and the rest of the Shinigami, even if we will surely have to wait a while before such a wish becomes reality. For the moment, you will have to make do with the manga and its animated version which you can currently watch in full on Disney+. The third part of Thousand Year Blood War, meanwhile, is still scheduled for release in 2024.

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