Culture news Good news, 5 films by this renowned director are soon available for free on the FranceTV platform

Culture news Good news, 5 films by this renowned director are soon available for free on the FranceTV platform

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If you want to discover a little more French films but you don’t necessarily know where to start, we have good news for you! 5 films by a renowned director will soon be available for free on FranceTV.

5 free films to discover this renowned director

When we think of French cinema, many spectators grimace a little. It must be said that clichés die hard and it is very easy to only see the countless comedies and other family dramas that are brought out to us in every way and which continue to break audience records. However, it would be very simplistic to limit French cinema to these feature films. In 2023 alone, many very good films have stood out in France such as Vermin, The Animal Kingdom, I will always see your faces or Anatomy of a fallwho even just won two Golden Globes. Among the directors who stand out a little in the French cultural landscape, we find, for example, Quentin Dupieux. Good news if you like it or want to discover it, 5 of his films will soon be available for free.

As you can see in the tweet above, the films “Au poste!”, “Rubber”, “Wrong” and “Réalité” will be available on the platform FranceTV from February 1st. If you’ve been paying attention, you may have noticed that it’s only been four films. The fifth will be none other than “Wrong Cops”originally released in 2013. While obviously missing his more recent films like “Incredible but true”, “Smoking makes you cough” Or “Yannick”, that still makes 5 feature films to watch to discover the atypical filmography of Quentin Dupieux. Note that if you like this director, his next film “Daaaaaalí” will be released in theaters on February 7.

Other very good films available for free

If you are the type who likes to watch movies but don’t like paying for platforms like Netflix, Disney+ or Amazon Prime Video, know thatthere are some alternatives that are actually quite well supplied in France. On FranceTVfor example, you can discover some good French and international films like Demolition (with Jake Gyllenhaal), Man on the Moon (with Jim Carrey), The Descendants (with George Clooney) or even Delicious (which was nominated in two categories for the 2022 Césars).

For its part, the platformArte also has some good productions available for free in a regularly modified catalog. Obviously, you won’t find the very latest releases there, but it could still be an opportunity to catch up on some oversights. We think, for example, of films “The extravagant journey of the young and prodigious TS Spivet” Or “This is England”both currently available on the platform.

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