Culture news The House of the Dragon series is doing well: after the spin-off on Jon Snow, another show derived from Games of Thrones in the hot seat?

Culture news The House of the Dragon series is doing well: after the spin-off on Jon Snow, another show derived from Games of Thrones in the hot seat?

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While fans of House of the Dragon are dying to see the continuation of the conflict between the Blacks and the Greens next June, those who were waiting to know more about the other spin-offs of Game of Thrones risk be a little disappointed by the latest news…

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House of the Dragon sequel is on the horizon

Five years after the end of Game Of Thronesthe popular adaptation of the novel series The iron Throne of George RR Martinfans are patiently awaiting the sequel to its first spin-off, House of the Dragon. Prequel to the parent series, House of the Dragon began in August 2022 with a first season of ten episodes which was very well received, both by the public and by critics. The second season, of which you can watch the trailer at the top of this article, will be broadcast from June 16, 2024 in the United States, but we do not yet know on which platform it will be offered in France.

It is possible that it is accessible from the Warner Pass of Prime Videowhere you can already watch the first season as well as all the episodes of Game Of Thrones. But given that HBO Max is supposed to arrive in France on May 21, 2024, it is therefore not excluded that the broadcast will take place on this platform. Moreover, the launch of HBO Max in Europe would be the ideal time to give concrete news of other series projects derived from the universe Game Of Thronesbecause the latest information is either bad or speculative…

Ten Thousand Ships Docked by HBO

Recently we learned that the Jon Snow spin-off was canceled because the creators couldn’t come up with a strong enough story, which isn’t necessarily surprising since it was the only spinoff series without a written basis. The other projects envisaged were all based on works of George RR Martinas The Sea Snakea spin-off dedicated to Lord Corlys Velaryon that we have already encountered in House of the Dragon and whose youth is explored in Fire & Bloodor The Hedge Knight which is based on short stories dedicated to the characters affectionately nicknamed Dunk And Egg.

Another spin-off called Ten Thousand Ships having as its subject the princess’s odyssey Nymeria and his nomadic people were also in preparation at HBO, but the latest news is not good. According to Brian Helgeland, its screenwriter, the script for the derivative series would not have been retained by the managers of the channel. For them, the series was “too far from the pillars of the original”, but Helgeland remains hopeful, affirming that “nothing is ever dead.” For the moment, no representative of HBO has not announced its cancellation, so it is still possible that it will be produced one day, even if the project seemed very (or even too) ambitious.

Indeed, Ten Thousand Ships follows Nymeria as she tries to find a land where her people, forced to live on the water following a war, can not only live but above all prosper. In the writings of George RR Martinthe princess finally reached Dornewhere she married Martell bit more than a thousand years before the events of Iron Throne. Many maritime scenes would therefore have been there, which could quickly add up in terms of special effects, especially given the size of the fleet led by the princess Nymeria. Who knows, maybe HBO will change its mind when it sees the fans’ reaction!

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