Culture news The new Star Wars series hides a lot of secrets about the Jedi if we are to believe this new trailer with the Sith!

Culture news The new Star Wars series hides a lot of secrets about the Jedi if we are to believe this new trailer with the Sith!

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While fans of the Star Wars universe wait (more or less) patiently for the release of the next series, Disney took advantage of Star Wars Day to unveil new images of “The Acolyte”, and one Sith in particular seems to be doing thrill the Jedi of the High Republic…

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The secrets of the Jedi will soon be exposed

In this month of May 2024, Disney+ celebrated the Star Wars Day by releasing a new trailer for its upcoming live-action series, The Acolyte. As The Mandalorian, AndorAnd Ahsokathis new production is signed Lucasfilmwith this time Leslie Headland at the head of the project, who is one of the minds behind the series Netflix Russian Doll. Described as a thriller, The Acolyte takes place towards the end of the era of The High Republicabout a hundred years before the events of Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

In this trailer, which will undoubtedly be the last before the release of the first two episodes on June 5, 2024 on Disney+several characters talk about the Jedi Order in a negative way, and especially Qimirinterpreted by Manny Jacinto (The Good Place), who claims that the era of peace established by the Jedi would be based on a lie. These words may seem rather vague, but this lie could well make the link with the Open Hand Way, a religious cult which considered that no one should use the Force, especially the Jedi. But according to the last images of the trailer, this would not be the only extremist movement explored in The Acolyte

A dark entity could well invite itself into the galaxy

In the final seconds of the trailer, a character dressed in black and wearing a mask with teeth and a red lightsaber appears, and the Jedi in front of him do not look reassured. And for good reason ! Even though his identity is shrouded in mystery, his teeth don’t lie, and could well refer to some sort of Lovecraftian entity called Abeloth which appears in the novel series The Destiny of the Jedi. Originally, Abeloth was a human in the service of Force Vectors on the planet Mortis, where the presence of the Force was grandiose. To stop aging, she decided to bathe in the Knowledge Pool and drink the water from the Fountain of Powerbut it was corrupted and became a dark entity.

Abeloth is capable of controlling young Jedi to turn them towards the Dark Side of the Force, which could explain the events of The Acolyte and particularly the actions of Maethe character played by Amanda Stenberg (Hunger Games), who comes into conflict with his former Jedi Master while investigating a series of crimes against the Jedi. The character with the mask could therefore be a Jedi under the influence of Abelothand could well make the connection with the Mortis arc in The Clone Wars. We just have to wait until June to find out!

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