Culture news This sci-fi film is the origin of 5 series, 19 seasons and nearly 400 episodes: it is available for free on TF1+

Culture news This sci-fi film is the origin of 5 series, 19 seasons and nearly 400 episodes: it is available for free on TF1+

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In the era of streaming platforms, we have become accustomed to discovering mini-series, a format located at the crossroads between feature films and more classic series. A good way to tell a story without limiting yourself to 90, 120, 150 or 180 minutes, nor embarking on a long-term production. But the long series have not said their last word and some franchises have even touched on everything.

trailer for Stargate: Timekeepers, STR released on PC on January 23, 2024.

Stargate SG-1: an iconic series of the late 20th and early 21st centuries

With the arrival of SVOD platforms like Netflix, Disney+, HBO, Paramount and Amazon Prime Video, the series and cinema industry have experienced a major upheaval. It is no longer just a question of getting the public to move or meeting them every week on television, but of regularly offering them new things by making them hyper accessible. The projects have multiplied, and there are more films and series than ever before. More or less long, these productions respond to new challenges. Some feature films are released directly on the platforms (sometimes being produced by them), and series are launched regularly. It is however much more common to hear about canceled series from the end of their first seasons due to disappointing audiences.

If you lived in the 90s and 2000s, you probably got into the habit of waiting for the broadcast of Dr. House and Prison Break every week or sitting in front of it on Saturdays. the famous M6 Trilogy. It is often during this program, or on Friday evening, that many spectators discovered Stargate SG-1, science fiction series in which humans discovered a door allowing them to travel through space to discover other worlds. The idea is above all to assess the extraterrestrial threat but, quickly, geopolitical space issues will come into play, and aliens will even join the adventure. For 10 season, Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver), Michael Shanks, Amanda Tapping and Christopher Judge (God of War) will bring this cult series to life. She will followed by Stargate Infinity and Stargate Atlantis, before ending in 2011 with Stargate Universea series in two seasons.

The film that gave birth to Stargate available for free online

But none of this would have happened without Stargate: Stargate being released in cinemas in 1994. Because yes, if you weren’t aware, Stargate is above all a film, extended by these different series and even other films. If you are curious, know that the film has recently been released available free of charge and in full on the TF1+ SVOD platform, the new name of what was previously known as MyTF1. Directed by Roland Emmerich, this Stargate film tells of the discovery of an Egyptian vestige opening passages to other worlds, located on other planets. Daniel Jackson (James Spader) manages to get “that door” to work, and a special unit is tasked with getting through it.

Colonel O’Neil (Kurt Russell) leads the team of scientists and American soldiers, together they cross this stargate to discover a desert world on which an entire population is subject to a dictator. American-French film, Stargate is actually the merger of two similar projects. The first is that of Rolan Emmerich, centered around the story of a spaceship hidden under the great pyramid of Giza, while the second, by Dean Delvin, started with the idea of ​​a Lawrence of Arabia on another planet. When it was released in 1994, the film was not very well received by critics, but it manages to attract the public. The feature film then became a commercial success, extended by the Stargate SG-1 series. In 2008, two other films will complete the set: Stargate the Ark of Truth and Stargate Continuum.

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