Cup trick: how to keep children from snacking

We snacked like a world champion at home during lockdown, right? Jen's children also ate a lot out of boredom. Until she came up with an ingenious measure …

What to do if the children keep asking for snacks, but they have actually already eaten too much. Say no? And no again? And no again? Degree in corona lockdown a challenge. The mother of three Jen Hallstr̦m, however, has developed a great trick: she gives her children a basket Рin the truest sense of the word.

Because why not show the little ones from the start what their "snack contingent" is for the day? This means there is no annoying whining or stomach ache because there was again too much sweet stuff. A basket for every child, for every day. As simple as that.

What's in there? Chips, sweet fruit … everything you eat in between meals. To avoid confusion, the baskets have different colors. Jen shares a photo of her idea on her Facebook page.

Jen takes the wind out of the sails of critics

In order to protect herself and her method from possible Shirtstorm attacks, she anticipates a few things. "My children are well fed and do not have to go hungry," explains Jen. "Of course, they eat breakfast, lunch and dinner." In addition, she does not fat-shame her children with the baskets, she simply does not have the money to spend $ 400 a week just on snacks.

"Are you famous now, Jen?"

Jens Post was shared on Facebook more than 400,000 times. "Are you famous?" Asks one of her friends under the post, "because you seriously have thousands of likes and shares". Many of the users are enthusiastic and write that they find the trick awesome. Jen has noticed how popular her mom lifehack is – that's why she's now sharing her tricks on a Facebook blog page called "The Jen Life". With this she can certainly inspire other parents even more.

By the way: Jen told "Bored Panda" that the strategy against boredom snacking is no longer necessary in everyday life – but during the holidays she will definitely unpack the basket again …
