Customer leaves $ 10,000 tip at restaurant

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One day before being laid off due to the coronavirus pandemic, employees of a restaurant in Florida were pleasantly surprised to find on a table a tip of 10,000 euros left by an anonymous customer.

The health crisis we are experiencing affects humans and their health first, but there are other collateral victims. Countries shut down due to government containment are seeing their economies plummet inexorably. Shops, forced to close, are on the front line of this unprecedented economic crisis. Among them are restaurants, which in some cases are forced to shut down or fire their employees, for lack of income. This is the case witha restaurant in Naples, Florida. Ross Edlund, the owner of the Skillets Restaurants chain to which the establishment belongs, was seen forced to part with 90% of the 200 employees at its nine restaurants.

It’s often in the most difficult times that humans demonstrateextraordinary generosity and solidarity with regard to his fellows. As proof, a customer of Ross Edlund's restaurant, who chose to remain anonymous, left the establishment last week, leaving on his table $ 10,000 as a tip ! The tidy sum of cash arrived at the right time since the following day, the order was given by the Governor of Florida to close all restaurants in the state. The loot was then shared equally between the 20 employees of the restaurant who were inevitably dismissed the next day. An unimaginable tip that will surely allow them to bounce back better.

The local Skillets restaurant chain was quick a post on his Facebook page to thank their good samaritan : "Despite all the negative stories we are hearing right now, there are still absolutely fantastic people in the world." But who is this generous donor? "We don't know who it was yet", Ross Edlund said to the local press, who intends to find this generous benefactor. "We have regulars who have been coming for years, they are friends but we don't always know their names", he explained. "We know their faces, their favorite dishes, the tables where they sit, but we don't know exactly who they are ". Would he be a loyal customer? So there may still be hope to find this mysterious donor.

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