Cyberpunk 2077: A big leak of the next DLC on Reddit?

There’s news on the production side of CD Projekt RED, Cyberpunk 2077! A reddit user revealed a leak hundreds of lines of dialogue from a supposed upcoming DLC ​​of the game.

By infiltrating the work of CD Projekt RED teams, dataminers have made interesting discoveries. Thanks to these finds, it is therefore possible to decipher the plot as well as certain key elements of this first DLC eagerly awaited by the community.

A packed DLC!

In September 2021, the CD Projekt RED teams revealed that they were working on a first extension for Cyberpunk 2077. However, fans of the license learned last April that the DLC would not be released until 2023. It was therefore necessary for them to arm themselves with a lot of patience. For good reason, the CD Projekt RED project seems monumental.

According to information from dataminers, the next DLC of the game will introduce seven new main missionsbut also a multitude of additional content that will accompany the new plot. The latter will take place in the “Fight Zone” of Pacifica, a place unveiled in the artbook “The World of Cyberpunk 2077”.

In this brand new area, players will therefore be able to explore, perform fix contracts, but also cross paths with Songbird. A real mystery of CD Projekt RED’s game, it was present in the files and source codes of Cyberpunk 2077, but no player has ever encountered it in game.

It would therefore seem that this next DLC is finally the opportunity to discover it, because Songbird will be a central character there..

Where is Keanu Reeves?

Johnny Silverhand, the charismatic game character from CD Projekt RED seems to be almost absent from the upcoming DLC. In effect, his lines of text can be counted on the fingers of one handindicating that the rock star will not be a key part of the plot.

We do not know the reasons for this virtual absence of Johnny Silverhand in the DLC, is it due to the fact that Keanu Reeves failed to free himself? Did the CD Projekt RED teams want to center the plot on Songbird? The mystery remains

Cyberpunk 2077

According to some Reddit users, some Cyberpunk 2077 endings would be incompatible with the plot of the upcoming DLC. If this is the case, the CD Projekt RED teams will undoubtedly have foreseen the blow and will put in place means of compatibility between the backup and the DLC.

In any case, the teams working on the extension of Cyberpunk 2077 should soon reveal more details on the latter. We are therefore impatiently awaiting the arrival of a trailer which will confirm to us whether the finds of the dataminers indeed concern the next DLC… or not !

The Polish studio behind the games The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 seems to be keen to redeem its past mistakes with respect to salary conditions. Following the example of one of their subsidiaries, CD Projekt would consider setting up paid menstrual leave for its employees.

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